Monday, June 6, 2011

Why Does the Poop Cloud Always Follow Us Around?

This past Saturday we went over to my Mom's house to help her start cleaning out her garage and barn (she is getting re-married in September and will be putting her house up for sale).  My husband was venting (as he has every right do) about his job or lack thereof for next year (in the eight years he has been teaching he has been RIFed 3 times, and yes, all for the same school district).  2 out of these 3 times he has been called back, and hopefully that will be the case for this next year as well.  Supposedly he is the second person on the callback list, so if anyone in his area of licensure (K-3) retires, resigns, etc. he may be called back.  He also made the comment that he is tired of seeing people who treat other people like crap get rewarded all the time.  It does seem that way, as if people who do not respect others, bite the hand that feeds, etc. do get rewarded, with windfalls of good fortune (money, jobs, etc.). If you don't know my husband, he is a wonderful guy.  He is the most caring, thoughtful person in the world.  He would do anything for you (and he still does, even for people who treat him like shit, which I am always reprimanding him for).  He loves the kids that he works with and would do anything to help the kids learn and he always has their best interest in mind.  He is dedicated, both to his family and to work.  He has made comments about how he has done everything "right" in his life and in the proper order (graduate high school, go to college, get a Bachelor's degree, get a Master's degree, get married, have a baby) and still continually gets kicked in the teeth. 
I wonder the same thing.  I don't understand how two hard working, dedicated, caring people seem to get the short end of the stick a lot of the time.  Please don't give me any of the trite clichés about how "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" or "When one door closes another opens" or any of the other bullshit justifications.  Why can't people just admit that life sucks sometimes instead of having to justify when shitty things happen to good people?  Why do people who treat others like shit, take advantage of other people, and step on others to get what they want always seem to get whatever they want (and most of the time don't even deserve)? 
When will the shitstorm that is our life end?  Why does the poop cloud always follow us around?  Will we ever get ahead of the game (or even be able to play on an even level)? 
If you can tell me the answers to any of these questions without the trite sayings, I would greatly appreciate it.
Until next time I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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