Monday, August 8, 2011

The One in Which I Try to Start Some Controversy

Earlier today I was catching up reading blogs on my iPhone and I came across the perfect one.  It was written by Brooke, of By the Brooke, and it was able to get across an idea/belief/concept that I have never quite been able to get across.  I couldn't say it any better than Brooke did, so if you are interested, you can read her blog entry here
If you have ever said to someone in a time of strife, heartbreak or utter devestation, "Everything happens for a reason" then I think that you should read Brooke's post.  If you believe in this concept or theory then it is even more strongly suggested that you read Brooke's post.
If you know me, you know that I love to stir the pot from time to time...if you do have a chance to read Brooke's post, let me know what you think of it.  Also let me know if your belief/thought/subscription to this theory changed or not.
In case you were wondering, I do NOT subscribe to this belief or theory.  First of all, I am not even sure if there is any God or any type of higher being.  In my life there have just been too many things that have happened that are NOT explained by the "everything happens for a reason" belief/theory, at least not to my satisfaction.  Maybe if you believe in this particular theory, you can explain why my father died at the ripe young age of 48 due to liver cancer when he had always been previously healthy.  Maybe you can explain to me why my first husband had to go and screw around with other women and break my heart almost beyond repair.  Maybe you can explain to me why it took 10 months and a (fortunately) successful round of Clomid for Justin and I to conceive McKenna.  Perhaps you can even explain and justify to me why James just died this past July 31 at the ripe young age of 35 and couldn't unfortunately beat the alcoholism that had plagued him for so many years.  Don't try to convince me that the "everything happens for a reason" belief/theory is correct, because this wise consumer isn't buying it.  If you choose to believe in that, it is your decision, but don't try to twist and fit your beliefs into the terrible things that have happened in my life. 
My Dad said at one point when he was being eaten alive by cancer, "These are the cards we've been dealt and yes, they suck.  We have to work with the hand that we've been dealt."  Yes Dad, that is so very true.  There doesn't have to be a reason or justification for why things happen...sometimes they just do and it just sucks.  I wish that people would just take things for what they are and not try to rationalize them with some bullshit theory. 

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