Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cell Phone Etiquette from a Non-Expert

I would never claim to be an expert on any type of etiquette, but lately I have been thinking and I have been a witness to several different types of rude cell phone behaviors.  Are you an offender?  Read on and find out...
1.  Do you read texts, e-mails, etc. and giggle out loud in front of other people?  If you do this, hopefully you share with the other people what you found so funny.  If you do read and giggle and don't share, it just makes you seem rude and immature.  Keep the giggle in if it's something you find humorous and don't want to share with others.
2.  When out at a restaurant with a friend, relative, co-worker, etc. do you immediately (maybe even before you have been seated) remove your cell phone from your purse or pocket and plunk it down on the table?  This is extremely rude, as it gives your friend, relative, co-worker, etc. the impression that you are waiting for a text, call, e-mail, etc. that is more important than the company that is sitting right across from you.  I feel sorry for you if you can't enjoy a meal with someone else for an hour or two without checking your phone.  It is horribly inconsiderate.  If both or all parties have their phones on the table then shame on everyone. 
3.  Do you check your cell during a movie in a dark movie theater?  Once again, I feel sorry for you if you can't enjoy a movie (that you probably spent at least $9, if not more) for an hour and a half or two without checking your phone.  We went and saw Harry Potter a couple of weeks ago and this guy right across the aisle from me kept checking his iPhone every 20 or 25 minutes.  It was extremely rude and annoying.  I wanted to walk across the aisle and punch him in the face.  I don't give a crap if your favorite sports team is playing, the score will still be there and your team will have won or lost regardless of whether or not you check your phone every 20 minutes.  Give it a rest.

These are the most annoying cell phone behaviors that I have noticed lately.  Hopefully if you are reading this and can identify with any of the above behaviors you will stop and think the next time you are in a situation where these behaviors might manifest themselves again.
By the way, #2 can also be applied to people who check their watch frequently when you are out with them.  I have been on that side of the fence, it made me feel like shit, and made me feel like this person had way more "important" things to do and other more "important" people to see.  Please don't overbook yourself-if you don't have time to do something with someone or have somewhere else to be later on, then be honest with that person and choose another date.
Until next time, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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