Sunday, September 18, 2011

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Ah, September.  This is possibly my one month of the year where absolutely NOTHING goes on.  I used to have a wedding anniversary to look forward to, but not any more.  I am perfectly fine with that.  I had almost expected to be bitter on September 15, thinking that it would have been 10 years and that I should have been heading to Tahiti to celebrate.  However, September 15 came and went and I never, at any point during the day or night, thought about that.  I have been so busy with my new job that I don't have time to think about inconsequential things like a wedding anniversary that will never be. 
When August rolls around I always have to think about getting ready to go back to school.  In October we have NEOEA day and Halloween. In November of course, we get our turkey on, we'll be celebrating McKenna's first birthday, and in December we have Christmas and New Year's Eve.  September is just there.  It is just a great big stretch of 30 days of BLAH.  I am ready for September to be over.  Maybe by the end of September I will know if I will have a huge setback from the goal that I finally reached after 4 years.  Maybe by the end of September I will be able to come to grips with the fact that what I have worked so hard for and what I have attained can be taken away oh so quickly.  I haven't felt this relaxed and happy in years in my career and come January it may just not be there.  I'm getting frustrated with those that say, "Well, at least you'll still have a job."  Apparently that's the attitude we're all supposed to take in this economy.  It's way too much to ask that you have a job that you're happy to be at every day-you just have to be happy that you have A job.  It's so frustrating that the power is out of my hands and I have no say in any of this.  If all of this comes to pass and further action takes place, I may be out of a job altogether at the end of this school year.  In that case, I'm going back to school to get a nursing degree.  All this bullshit makes me wonder if that's the path that I should have chosen in the first place, back in good old 1996.  September, please hurry up and end.  I just want to know what's going to happen to me work-wise and when you are over I will have things to look forward to.  I don't know if I can stand you for the next 12 days.
Until then, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours 

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