Wednesday, April 27, 2011



I saw this on another blog that I read, so I thought it might be fun to fill it out.

B. Bed size: Queen. Sometimes I wish that we had a king size bed. 

C. Chore you detest:'s a toss-up between dusting and vacuuming.  I hate dusting because it's futile, things just get dusty again.  I just hate vacuuming in general.

D. Dog person or cat person: Definitely dog person.  Big dogs only.  Little yappers need not apply.

E. Essential start to your day: Showering.  I cannot shower before I go to bed.  I feel "dirty" if I don't shower in the morning.  It wakes me up in addition to helping me feel so fresh and so clean, clean!

F. Favorite color: I like orange.  It's bright and cheerful.

G. Gold or silver: White gold.

H. Height: 5' 3"

I. Instruments you play(ed): Clarinet and tenor saxophone.  I played the clarinet in 5th grade band and moved up to the tenor sax in 6th grade.  I played that all through my senior year of high school.

J. Job title: Currently high school French teacher.  I will be an elementary school counselor at a K-4 building in the same school district this coming fall though (yay)!

K. Kids: McKenna.  Love that baby girl.  She is my heart.  Just thinking of her gummy little smile makes me smile.

L. Live: Northeast Ohio.

M. Mom’s name: Barb.

N. Nicknames: Jen, Jenny, Madame (from kids at school).

O. Overnight hospital stays:  Only when I had McKenna-I was in the hospital for two nights.  I was a bit stir crazy and really wanted to go home by the second day I was there.

P. Pet peeves: People who lie.  People who cheat.  People who drive really slowly in the fast lane.  People who don't use their turn signals (hmm...I think I wrote an entire post at some point on all of my driving pet peeves).

Q. Quote from a movie: "When life gives you lemons, just say fuck the lemons and bail."  Chuck "Koonu"--Forgetting Sarah Marshall 

R. Righty or lefty: Proud righty.  My husband is a lefty so I tease him all the time.

S. Siblings: Just one sister, Tina.  She is younger than I am.

T. Time you wake: On work days:  4:50 A.M.  Believe me, I know that it is an ungodly hour to get up.  On the weekends-usually when McKenna gets up, 7:30 or 8:00.

U. Underwear: Any comfy hipster/bikini cotton ones.  I really like these now after having been pregnant.

V. Vegetables you don’t like: Tomatoes (although technically those are a fruit, aren't they)?  I also don't like cucumbers as they have no flavor to them.

W. What makes you run late: Taking too long in the shower.  Also sometimes having to go to the bathroom right as I'm ready to walk out the door to head to work.

X. X-rays you’ve had: When I was in 5th or 6th grade I sprained one of my fingers and we thought it might be broken.  Teeth x-rays at the dentist.  The only other one I can think of is when I had an HSG in December of 2009.

Y. Yummy food you make: Chocolate decadence.  Stir-fried asparagus.  Homemade Caesar salad dressing.

Z. Zoo animal favorites: The giraffes of course!  Also the lemurs. ;)

If the A shows up at the end I'm not sure why.  When I look at the preview that's how it's showing up but not how it shows up when I'm typing it.  Oh well, I'm over it.

A.  Age:  33.  Turning 30 didn't bother me at all since 29 was such a shitty year.  Now that I'm heading toward 35 it is starting to bother me a bit.

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