Monday, May 9, 2011

Once Upon a Time, I had a Waistline

Ah, those lovely last few pregnancy pounds that just won't go away.  I've still got about 12 to go before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight, and being totally honest here, I could still stand to lose quite a bit more.  I've always had a rather short waist, not much room between the bottom of my ribcage and the top of my hipbones.  I used to have a waistline though, not just a straight line torso with curves in all the wrong places now. 
Several years ago (probably 2004 I would guess) I did a "Dump Your Plump" challenge with my Mom, my Aunt, my cousin's now ex-wife, and a few other people.  At that time I definitely needed to lose weight, as I was overeating, not exercising enough, and was unhappy with the way I looked.  My now ex-husband could have told me that I needed to lose weight until he was blue in the face (believe me, he pretty much did) but I had to make the decision myself FOR myself that it was time to lose weight.  My Mom, Aunt, and cousin's wife would e-mail each other every day about what we ate and what type of exercise we did.  I worked out at least once a day 5 or 6 days a week, usually some type of low-impact aerobics or a nice, long, brisk walk with the dog.  I eventually kicked my pop drinking habit, weaning myself down to carbonated flavored water, to just flat flavored water, to water.  I managed to only consume about 1200 calories a day, being pretty strict with myself about what I ate.  I learned the calorie contents of many foods and beverages quickly.  I wouldn't say that I was obsessed with losing weight, because I was in no way unhealthy about it, but I did follow quite the regimen for awhile.  After the end of the program (I can't remember how long we did it exactly; it was either 6 months or a year) I had managed to lose 50 pounds.  I looked good, I felt great.  Even at my lowest weight, it still wasn't good enough for my ex-husband.  I remember I was so excited that I fit into size 8 clothing and I even had a couple of size 6 items.  I told my ex this and he said, "Keep working at it, you can get down to a size 4."  Asshole.  Nothing was ever good enough for him, now I know why his Mom nicknamed him "One More."  If you know me and know my body build there is no chance that I would ever drop down to a size 4.  At my lowest weight ever I was 151. 
Now I find myself unhappy with my body and my weight.  Granted, I did just have a baby 5 and a half months ago.  I put on 40 pounds by the end of my pregnancy, most of which was gained in the last 4-6 weeks.  I am happy that I have lost 28 of those 40 pounds.  I had McKenna in perhaps one of the crappiest winters ever in Northeast Ohio, so we didn't get out too much.  We have also had one of the rainiest Aprils on record as well.  Needless to say we haven't had the time to go out and walk much, which I would love to do.  Add to that teaching full time, working a part-time job at a country club golf course, trying to keep up with laundry and other chores, and spend time with McKenna and Justin.  There just aren't that many hours in a day.  Unfortunately, the excess weight is falling by the wayside for the time being.  Maybe over the summer I will have some extra time so that I can exercise more.  Eat better as well.  Cook more at home and not eat takeout so much (or eat at restaurants).  I also find myself not caring about the weight as much since we are still planning on having at least one more baby...not anytime in the immediate future, but sometime in the next couple of years.  I figure that I'm just going to put weight on again when I am pregnant so who cares? 
Oh well, maybe all this is justification for me being fat and lazy.  If that is the case, then screw you waistline.
Until next time, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours 

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