Friday, January 14, 2011

Car and Driving Pet Peeves

Here are some of my top pet peeves that are related to cars and driving:
1.  Failure to use a turn signal.
This one is really annoying to me.  They put a turn signal on a car for a reason, and that would be to indicate to other drivers on the road where and in what direction you intend to turn.  For those of you who choose not to use your turn signal, no, we cannot read your mind and we do not know where and which direction you want to turn.  I sincerly get irked when I see this happening and often mutter to myself, "Did that particular make and model of car not come equipped with a turn signal?"  This same failure to use a turn signal also applies to those of you who switch lanes on the road or especially on the freeway and fail to use your signal.  When someone hits you because you failed to signal, I won't feel bad for you.  Stop being so lazy and use the turn signal.
2.  People who don't clear their car off in the winter (especially around here, with the snow we get).
This is not only annoying, but also dangerous to you and to other drivers around you.  I know when you get out of work, school, etc. that it is cold and snowy in the winter and you want to get out of school or work as fast as you can and out of the cold and snow.  Take a couple of minutes and brush your car off.  The whole car.  Not just your front windshield and your half on the back window.  Brush off all the windows, the hood, the trunk (if applicable to you), the roof,  headlights, license plates.  I can't stand when people leave snow on the hood or roof of their car and it blows back at their windshield and also blows back at your car.  Not brushing off your headlights is just stupid.  It prevents other drivers from being able to see you.  Once again, stop being so damn lazy and take a couple of minutes to brush off your ENTIRE car when we have snow that covers it.  Also, we live in Northeast Ohio, make sure you have a snow brush in your car from about the end of October to the beginning or middle of May.  That really irks me when I am leaving work and some nimrod asks me if they can borrow my snow brush because they are too lazy and/or stupid to come to work with one.
3.  People who use their garage as a storage unit.
Umm, what was I thinking when one of my biggest wish list factors in buying a house was a two-car garage?  Oh yeah, a place to have my cars sit in at night so they don't have to sit out in the driveway and be tempting hooligans to break in or vandalize them, and a place to have my cars sit in the winter months so I don't have to go out and clear snow off of them all of the time.  It is also helpful to have a garage to pull in when it is raining outside so hard it is like a monsoon.  That way you don't have to get out of your car, get soaked, and then go in your house.  I know and have seen some people that have so much shit stacked up in their garage that they couldn't even walk in there, much less park a car or two in there.  In my old neighborhood there was one house in particular where the two-car garage was stacked from floor to ceiling and front to back with boxes and various other crap.  This would be a wake up call to me-either rent a storage unit or go through that shit and either donate it or throw it out.  Guess this doesn't bother some people but it would drive me up the wall. 
4.  People who drive with loose hubcaps or bald tires.
'Nuff said.  Just dangerous.
5.  People who drive like assholes just because they have "designer" cars.
You know who you people who own the BMWs, Mercedes, Range Rovers, etc.  All the higher end cars.  Just because you have a nice car (notice I didn't say "because you can afford a nice car-I know there are a lot of people out there driving those who can't afford them) doesn't give you the right to weave in and out of traffic, ride peoples' asses like it's your job, and cut people off.  There are people with lower end cars who do this too, but maybe it's because your car is so flashy that I notice it more.  Yes, your shit does stink just like the rest of ours do.  Just because you have a designer car does not make you better than anyone else and does not give you the license to drive like an asshole.
6.  People who drive under the speed limit.
I have a huge personal problem with this one.  On the freeway if you are in the left hand lane and only doing 70 MPH, move the hell over.  You are not doing people a favor by going 5 miles over the speed limit.  If you want to drive slowly, there are usually at least 1 or 2 other lanes for those of you who like to putz.  Some of you may have speeding as one of your pet peeves, but not this woman.  I don't speed (per se) on side roads, will usually go the speed limit or maybe 5 over.  On the freeway you better watch out, because I love to speed there.  This does not make me a hypocrite however, because if speeding is one of your pet peeves it is not one of mine. I have been driving the same route to work for 10+ years now and I know where the cops hang out, making it even easier to speed on the freeway.
I am sure that I have some more, but those are the ones that readily come to mind.  You can agree with me or disagree with me (I am sure some would agree just as I am sure there are some differences of opinion out there) and that is fine with me.  Drive safely and keep these pet peeves in mind when you are driving.  You may have some driving habits that annoy a person or people who aren't me.
Until then, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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