Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cardiologist Appointment/Thoughts on Going Back to Work

Today we had McKenna's cardiologist appointment.  The nurse took her blood pressure, measured and weighed her, and did an EKG.  After that we saw the cardiologist and he listened to her heart.  He said that he didn't hear anything so he believed that the hole between her two lower ventricles had closed.  He did say that the EKG showed a flap of some sort on one of her upper ventricles but it is very common and as she grows and her heart muscles grow it should close up on its own.  He doesn't need to see us back unless the heart murmur shows up again between the time she is 6 months to 1 year old.  Very good news.  We hope that we don't have to see Akron Children's Hospital again soon.  We have been there 3 different times in the past 6 and a half weeks of her life. 
The other thing that has been on my mind a lot today is going back to work.  My feelings change by the day, sometimes hourly.  In a way I am looking forward to going back to work, as I miss interacting with my colleagues and my students.  On the other hand it makes me sad that I can't stay at home with McKenna and take care of her full-time.  Unfortunately our financial situation doesn't allow for that-we are a two-income family (with 2 additional part-time jobs as well).  I would guess it is the same for almost every working mom; you look forward to going back to work but feel guilty as hell that you can't stay home with your child or children.  Guess that's one of the good things about teaching; we do get Christmas and spring breaks, and the summers off. 
Good enough for this government. Signing off for now.

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