Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Chore"ing it up

Good old household chores.  We all have too many of them to do and not enough time to do them in.  I will readily admit that since I've gone through my divorce and remarriage and the birth of our child that I have gotten a lot more lax on my household chores.  When I was married to my ex the bulk of the household chores fell to me the longer that our marriage dragged on.  At first we split up the chores evenly (I cleaned the 2 1/2 bathrooms every week, wiped down the kitchen, and swept or Swiffered the floors; he would vacuum and mop said floors).  Neither of us were big on dusting, so this was a chore that largely fell by the wayside.  As time went on and our relationship was nearing its end, both of us pretty much stopped doing the household chores.  Neither he nor I spent much time there at the end of our relationship (he was always out or staying over at his girlfriend's Mom's house and I was at Justin's apartment most of the time), so the house wasn't horribly filthy; it just had that "unlived in" aura about it.  Once Justin and I bought the house we currently live in I got really lazy about doing chores because he picked up a lot of my slack.  I still cleaned the bathrooms pretty consistently, but didn't (and still don't do) much else.  He makes it too easy for me to cop out of the cleaning.  He vacuums, dusts, rearranges furniture, cooks.  I do help with dishes and laundry, although I used to complain a lot about how much laundry Justin made.  I don't complain any more, I just suck it up because it's really not that big of a deal and I really do appreciate all that he does around here.  We both have a bad habit of stacking various crap up on the kitchen and dining room tables, which we both clean from time to time but then it always builds up again.  I have tried time and again to prevent this and have not been successful at it.  When I got pregnant my participation in helping with chores took a turn for the worse.  I was one of those people who was constantly tired during their pregnancy and took daily naps (I am sure that waking up at 5 AM and teaching a full day pretty much every day didn't help in this respect either) so I started doing less around the house.  Now with McKenna here and taking care of her during the day I am lucky if I have time to throw in a load or two of laundry and switch the clothes into the dryer.  Sometimes I run the dishwasher and empty it as well, but that is pretty much the extent of my helping with the chores around here for now.  Is this horrible and lazy of me?  Yes.  I just don't feel that having a super squeaky clean house is that high of a priority.  It's not like we are those people you see on Hoarders or something, with dog shit and piss encrusted floors and carpet, shit stacked up to the ceilings, and rats and mice running through all of it.  It's just a bit jumbled and dusty and dog-hairy.  I can deal with it for now.  Maybe things will get easier when McKenna gets older and I get the desire to help out some more around here.  Oh well, she just woke up and is panicking.  Until next time, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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