Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Does Being a Secure Mom Make Me a Bad Mom?

My first day back to work was this past January 24 (after a 2 1/2 month maternity leave).  I didn't see McKenna in the morning before I left, as she was still sleeping (Daddy has drop-off duty, I have pick-up duty), and in case you were wondering, no, I didn't cry at all while I was on my way to work, at work, or on the way to pick her up from the sitter.  In case you were further wondering, I didn't call the sitter at lunch either just to check on how she was doing, nor have I done that up to the present day.
A few weekends ago we took a bus trip to Greektown Casino in Detroit.  We left McKenna with Justin's aunt Brenda (McKenna's great aunt).  While we were on said bus trip, we talked with some of the people, as the majority of them were somehow related to Justin or friends of Justin or his sister or friends of other relatives.  We were asked by a couple of different people if we had called aunt Brenda to check on McKenna and "see how she was doing."  No, we hadn't called at all.  Justin and I figured if there had been a problem that aunt Brenda would have called us. 
Does this make us horrible parents that don't care about our child?  No, I don't think so.  Maybe some would view us that way, but I prefer to think of us as parents who trust our child's sitter/relatives to take care of our child.  Our sitter has 3 children of her own and watches other children during the week as well.  Aunt Brenda raised 4 children of her own (3 boys, 2 of whom are twins, and a daughter).  Also, my Mom has watched McKenna overnight already (and GASP!  She was only 11 weeks old)!  Another sin in the eyes of some I'm sure, but come on, my Mom also raised 2 daughters and we've grown up to be pretty respectable people.  :)  Well, maybe the jury is still out on that one. 
So, as a final thought, I leave you with this...in the educational world, we have a term for parents who constantly have to be checking up on their child, and that would be "helicopter parent."  Justin and I just choose to trust that we have left McKenna in good hands when we do leave her with her sitter and/or a relative and we choose not to be those "helicopter parents."  If there are any issues, of course our sitter and/or relative(s) would get in touch with us.  If you are a "helicopter parent" maybe you should get out there, enjoy yourself and your significant other/friends once in awhile, and trust that your child is doing just fine without you.  Most of the time I am certain that this is the case.
Until next time, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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