Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Stop With the Stick Figure Family Decals-They're Dangerous

Maybe I notice those little stick figure "family" decals more on the back of van/SUV windows now since I am a mother.  I always thought that they were stupid before, but the more I thought about it, I think that they are just dangerous.  Any random person who is behind you knows exactly how many immediate family members you have, how many children, whether those children are girls or boys, what types and how many pets you have, and in some cases, those stupid stick figure decals even have little tutus or cheerleader skirts, also telling any random creepers what your child's interest(s) is/are.  I was behind one vehicle yesterday that had two little girl stick figure decals, one with a tutu and one with a cheerleader skirt and pompoms, and underneath the two figures it said "Jenna" and "Jaclyne".  Not only did this trusting mother openly advertise that she has two daughters and their interests, she actually put their NAMES underneath them!  Maybe I am paranoid, but I strongly believe that some random creeper/pedophile/stalker freak could easily follow this person to his/her house and they would already have some very basic (but very important) information about her children-the fact that they are girls, that they are interested in ballet and cheerleading, and their NAMES, for God's sake! 
Let's use some basic common sense here, people, and not advertise to all the creepers out there about our families.  Don't make it easy for your child to possibly become a victim of some horrible crime just because you wanted to "brag" about your family/kids through posting those stupid stick figure decals on your back window.  I know that I will never spend my hard-earned money on them.
Until next time, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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