Friday, March 4, 2011

From the Great Beyond...

If you read this, and you know me in pretty much any way, shape, or form you know that I am definitely not a religious person.  However, I do believe that people who have died may sometimes choose some way to let their loved ones know that they can still see them and be involved in their lives somehow. 
After my Dad died in December of 2007 my Mom and I started seeing hawks all over the place.  This was a bit strange, as I don't recall ever seeing them much before this time.  They would fly over my car when I was driving down the highway, I would see them sitting on power lines above wide open fields, and once I even saw one right on the side of the road, pretty much close enough that if I had stopped my car and reached my hand out the window that I could touch it.  It also seems that I tend to see more hawks when I am going through a stressful period in my life, for example when we were TTC.  I saw a lot of them during those 10 months.  I also saw lots of hawks when I was going through my divorce and the aftermath of that.  I think the best story about a hawk/Dad watching over me was the day we were moving into our house at the end of February 2008.  I wasn't there at the time, I was at my previous residence picking up some more items to bring to the new house, but some of the people who were at the new house moving things in there said that a hawk landed right in the small tree in the front yard of the house and just sat there for awhile.  I thought that was really cool, and it made me feel good, like my Dad was checking in on us and making sure that everything was going OK with the move.  My Mom has also seen many hawks since my Dad has died, so I know it's not just me.  I'm not sure if it's related or not, but my Dad is in a mausoleum and one of the reasons that we chose the particular spot where he currently rests is because there was a stone figure of a hawk facing his spot.  My Dad always liked birds like eagles and hawks; he even had a huge tattoo on his upper left arm of an eagle.  Coincidence?  I don't know.  I just know that it makes me feel good to know that Dad is still looking out for me, even after all this time.
It's not just me either, I know that there are other people who associate other animals with their loved ones who have died.  For Justin it is deer.  For some friends that I knew back in high school, it is butterflies.  It's a very interesting phenomenon to me.  What do you think?  Do you have any specific animals or other "signs" that you associate with a loved one who has died or who has played some other type of significant role in your life? 
I am not religious, but I guess I may be a bit spiritual. : )  Even us hardasses have to have our soft spots.
Until next time, I remain,
Jenuinely Yours

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